Co-Curricular & Extra Curricular Activities

Value Education is inculcated by arranging morning and evening assembly on all days. The activities of the morning assembly are Prayer, taking of Solidarity pledge and the oath for teacher Trainee, Reading out from Thirukkural, Thought for the Day, News reading and making important announcements. Evening assembly concludes the activities of the day with the National Anthem. Our National Flag is hoisted on the first working day of every week.

Conducting Citizenship Training Camp

Citizenship Training Camp is conducted for a duration of five days every year. A one day Field Trip to any place of cultural and historical importance is also arranged. Attendance and participation in camp activities are mandatory. During the Training Camp Guest Lectures are arranged to enlighten the students on HIV/AIDS awareness and Personality development. Temple cleaning, campus cleaning, tree planting and visit to an old age home are some of the interesting Citizen Ship camp activities. Regular cultural activities of the Teacher Trainees in the evenings make the Citizenship Camp more interesting.

Seminars and Workshops

State and National level Seminars and Workshops are regularly arranged every year. The Teacher Trainees, Teacher Educators and Research Scholars submit and read out papers on topics of Educational importance which generate active participation and lively, academic and critical interaction.

Guest lectures are arranged for the benefit of the Teacher Trainees on topics related to their academic, curricular, co- circular and Extra-Curricular activities.

Cultural activities

  • Jaya Fest is celebrated every year for a duration of three days to bring out the inherent talents of the Teacher Trainees. Some of the competitions held are: solo song. Group song, solo dance, group dance, skit in Tamil and English, Cookery, mehandhi, Flower arrangement, Rangoli and Quiz program. Teacher trainees enthusiastically participate in all the intercollegiate cultural competitions and reap laurels.

Performance in Sports activities

  • Students are encouraged to participate in all the intercollegiate level sports in Educational Colleges in and around Chennai and Tiruvallur Districts.
    Regular coaching is given to interested and talented students in sports activities by the Physical Director.
    Sports Day is celebrated regularly every year and prizes are distributed to both the winners and the runners as a way of encouragement.

    Music and sports hall has the following specialties:
    Orchestra (Set of bands with bugles and Drums),
    Key board, Veena, Tabla, DVD player and a two in-one.
    Sports Equipments:
    Indoor Games:
    Chess, Carrom, Shuttle bats with Cocks.
    Out door Games:
    Net, Throw ball, Volley ball, Cricket Set, Dumb bells, Poles, Javelin, Discuss, Shot-put, Relay.

Youth Red Cross Activities

YRC activities develop leadership qualities and the spirit of service and promote unity and a sense of sacrifice among our Teacher Trainees. Our YRC Unit adheres to and follows the principles of Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Services, Unity and Universality. Some of the activities of our YRC volunteers are: donating blood, rendering voluntary services during the conduct of Polio drops campaigns and diabetic detection camps, creating awareness of HIV/AIDS, visiting orphanages and old-age homes, tree-planting and distributing pamphlets to create Road Safety awareness.

Soft Skill Training

Soft Skill Training is offered to our Students every year highlighting on developing the following objectives:

-To improve the students Personality Traits Such as self-management and responsibilities.

-To make them to be cooperative in the society.

-To inculcate positive Personal habits.

-To enable them to understand Team work and Good manners.

Students’ Welfare

SC/ST students’ scholarship applications are forwarded to Tiruvallur Collectorate to facilitate the students to receive scholarships.

Individual bank account is opened for the students to get the scholarship directly from the District Collectorate.

Other scholarships for Wards of Railway Employees, Bus Transport Employees, Ex-Service men and, Air force, are also arranged.

Our institution facilitates to receive Educational Loans from the Nationalized Banks and also Concession to the economically backward students irrespective of their community.

All students are permitted to pay their tuition fees in 3 or more installments.

Fee concession is given to the differently abled (Visually Challenged and Physically Challenged) students.

Health Services

  • Regular and periodical free health services are also offered as a follow-up. Free master health checkup is conducted at Jaya College of Physiotherapy for all the Students and the staff every year.
    Periodical lectures are delivered highlighting specific problems of women regarding their Health and Hygiene.
    Under privileged students are offered free medical consultation and medicine throughout the year.

Activities of the Guidance and Counselling Unit

Tutorial System:
-All the students are the Wards of the Teacher Educators. EachTeacher Educator is allotted 15 Teacher Trainees.
-Regular Tutorial meetings are held on Saturday from 2.30 to 3.30 p.m.
-Academic, Personal, and career-oriented problems are attended to, within the capacity of the Tutor, HOD and the Educational Trust. With the financial assistance extended by Lions Club of Tiruninravur District, two students received Rs.5, 000/each- during the Academic year 2010-11 and 2011-12 to pay their tuition fees.

Students’ Grievance Cell

-It promotes motivation by maintaining a congenial atmosphere for learning.
-It analyses students’ problems and offers remedial measures to overcome the problems by providing counselling services for the students in need.

Parent Teachers’ Association

The Parent Teachers’ Association discharges the following duties:

Promotes good support with the stake holder, the parents.

Encourages participation of the Parents in the goodwill of the institution.

Represents the views and the suggestions of the Parents to the Management for the growth and development of the Institution.

Other information

Remedial/Extra classes are arranged for the slow learners after the regular class hours.

Spoken English classes are also arranged.

Bridge Course is conducted at the beginning of the Academic year.

Slow learners are identified and given special attention in the form of re-teaching, conducting frequent tests and by splitting every unit into smaller topics and making them understand through Bilingual Teaching method. The Teacher Educators prepare Question Bank facility available in their respective subjects to facilitate better performance of the Teacher Trainees.

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